Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:               D.N. Giri
General Secretary     S.S. Mahadevaiah
GDS/CHQ/52/1/2010                            Dated: 31.12.2012
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
Sub;-        Grant of 42 points instead of existing 14 points to the GDS BPM for the accounts work and receipt and dispatch of Mail in a month- reg
The following few lines are brought to your kind consideration and favorable action.
The point system for determining Branch Post Masters work load was fixed 53 years ago. Based on then BO’s work (1) handling of registered articles (2) money orders (3) SB/NSC transactions,(4)unregistered articles 14 points were fixed for the accounts work and receipt and dispatch of Mail. Later Department of Post introduced so many new schemes like RPLI,NREGS, Payment of old age Pensions, EMO, TRC, Electric Bills, Water Bills and unpaid articles etc.
Today BPM has to prepare daily A/c with all the work mentioned above on separate columns. Cash received and remitted to Account office is excluded from the BO.work. The BPM has to check the cash after receiving and before sending the bag during the preparation of account. The BPM has to pay much time to prepare account due to above mentioned work. All the norms have been revised the norms except for preparation of account. Keeping this in view it has to revise and grant 42 points for preparation of accounts and receipt and dispatch of mails.
With regards,  
Yours faithfully,
(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
 General Secretary


Odisha Circle AIPEDEU Convention at Balasore
The Bubneshwar region Convention was held at Balasore on 25th January 2013, under president ship of Com. P.R.Das, Convention was innugrated  by Com. Niranjan Raut ex CS P3, Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah GS AIPEDEU, along with Com. Arjun Mahata, CHQ Special Invitee & DS Mayur Bhaaj, Com. Lingaraj Sahoo, DS Bubneshwar, Com. R.N. Panda, Circle Tr, Com. Sukumar Kar, DS phoolabani, Com. Dhila President Sambalpur, Com. Naryana Prasad ,DS Balasore, Com Pitambar das, ex DS Balasore, Com. Bahaskar Behara Divisional President, Bubneshawar, Com.Jayanth das, District Secretary AITUC, Balasore, and Local Leaders attended and addressed the Convention. More than 300 GDS attended the Convention.
Com. Debasis  Dey, Com. Naryana das and their team made excellent arrangements for Convention.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Dear com reds,
The campaign for the forth coming circle convention is going on .We the leaders are struggling for the arrangement at our level .So we request all the primary members to accompany and contact to make the program success.
Thanking you.
Yours  truly,
President,Secretary and the Treasurer,
AIPEDEU, Balasore Divisional Branch,


Monday, 14 January 2013

Wish You All A Very Happy Sankranthi

Wish You All A Very Happy Sankranthi

आप सबको मकर संक्रांति के हार्दिक शुभकामनाए

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Letter to Department of Posts.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Letter to Department of Posts.

GDS/CHQ/56/2/2013                                                          Dated: 03.01.2013


The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001 

Sub:   Revision of cash handling of Rs.20000/- per month earning one point of work load of Branch Postmasters-reg.

After implementations of recommendations of Nataraja Murthy Committee particularly cash handling of Rs.20000/- per month earning one point of work load of Branch postmasters, more than 80% Branch post masters put into minimum TRCA causing heavy reduction in TRCA 10% Branch postmasters got 2nd and 3rd TRCA only 10% Branch post masters got maximum TRCA.

Before implementing the revised cash handling norms 78% Branch postmasters were granted maximum TRCA the analysis of the Nataraja Murthy Committee. The suryes conducted regarding in the circles to examine the workload position in points system as per existing and revised norms are enclosed along with this letter for your ready reference.

Keeping in view the above points you are requested to issue order for revision of cash handling of Rs. 5000/- per month earning one point of work load of Branch postmasters.

With regards

 Yours faithfully,

General Secretary

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Dear com reds!
Today an emergency meeting has been held with the chair of Com. Debasis dey the President ,AIPEDEU, in the presence of Srinibas Barik,Ananta ku. Jena, Kailash ch.Das, Laxmi Narayan praharaj,in the care of Com. Secy. sri Narayan Prasad Das.A vivid discussion was made on the forthcoming convention to be held at Balasore on 25.01.2013 Divisional branch on behalf of AIPEDEU. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah will grace the occasion by his information regarding the development on the GDS issues at central level.The Union is the main strength to develop the condition of GDS ,so every member should aware about the same and should cooperate the union activity to enable the leaderships take proper plane and program.
All the primary members and office bearers are requested to attend the golden opportunity to know the actual strength of GDS.
Thanking you all
Debasis Dey.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

                                                GDS VICTIMIZATION????

Com reds!
As to my view if the magnitude of punishment for any fault surpasses the degree of the fault ,it will be considered as VICTIMISATION.
In near past such type of incident happened with me by the administration.
If the gravity of one massage keeps such a power to block one's bread(TRCA),then the intimation should be propagated carefully,so that the recipient should get enough scope to acknowledge the same.
Regarding SB mela the concerned authority instructed the SPMs to write in the BO slip.But the concerned SPM sent the massage in the wrong place of the BO slip.By which reason the massage was over looked .Was not it a fault of an SPM? No,it was not because the SPM enjoys departmental service rule,whereas the GDS BPM does n't.
In my view due to the following cause a failed GDS to attend the SB mela should not be penalized with stop payment for the following reasons-
1.The GDS official failed to attend due to non acknowledgement of the massage .Knowingly he has not avoided,hence the case can not be taken as disobedience of the authority's order.
2.The concerned SPM has not taken the order of the administrative authority so seriously to call over a phone call.
3.The administrative authority is provided with two overseers and Govt. telephone with him ,he could have remind over phone to the GDS officals for the SB Mela on the same day 29th December morning.
4.The scheduled date  was month ending time from 10AM  when the RD premiums are collected from the depositors,or else the depositors were to pay fine for us.So office arrangement should be made.
5.For the 4th point the authority remained silent in his massage.
6.The GDS official has worked on the day,collecting RD premium ,register letters,exchanging mail bag with the mail carrier for the actual timing scheduled for him .
Keeping all these circumstances into consideration ,not only me more over any man with his judgement can just say" THE GDS IN GENERAL HAS BEEN VICTIMIZED ".

Dear com reds!
In the new year,2013 our Director of Postal Services(DPS),visited Balasore Division on this day,the 3rd January.I being the President of this divisional branch,met and offered flower bouquet and greeted him on our AIPEDEU behalf in the presence of our divisional administrative officers.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

CHQ CIRCULAR - Progress on strike demands.

 www.rpehq.com                                                                Tele-Fax: 23697701
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
No.GDS/CHQ/1/5/2013                                                          Dated 01-01-2013
       All the Circle / Divisional/ Branch Secretaries of All India Postal Extra Departmental  Employees Union. All India Office Bearers
Progress on strike demands particularly on Bonus and Medical scheme.
Rs. 3500/- Bonus has not been Rejected. Don’t believe false propaganda of Krishnan & Co.
Unite all GDS for the cause of our justified demands.
You are all aware that Com. Krishnan & Co are continuously making false propaganda against AIPEDEU through SMS and print Media when AIPEDEU launched struggles for the cause of GDS justified demands. We all faced such type of ill motto and false propaganda during historic indefinite strike in the month of October, 2012

We would like to bring the realities and facts to our GDS fraternity. During our indefinite strike, Department of posts positively recommended for enhancement of bonus ceiling Rs. 3500/- to GDS employees. Hon’ble Minister for Communications & IT Sri Kapil Sibal also recommended positively by writing letter to Finance Minister. After examining the issue Finance Minister sent back the file to the department for seeking some clarifications.

Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary and Com. B.V. Rao, Asst. General Secretary met Hon’ble Secretary, Department of Posts Smt. Manjula Prasher, on 01.01.2013 at Secretary’s Chamber. The leaders were informed that a committee of three officers of Directorate headed by Sri Alok Saxena, DDG(Estt.) was constituted to discuses and decide the issues raised by finance ministry. Hon’ble secretary assured our leaders that the report of the committee will be submitted to the Finance Ministry within one month. She also assured that she will try her level best to grant Rs. 3500/- bonus to GDS officials as early as possible. Our leaders expressed heartful thanks and New Year Greetings on behalf of GDS fraternity to the Secretary Department of Posts.
Appeal to Branch/Divisional Secretaries
Meet your local M.Ps and request them to send letters to Finance Minister and communication Minister to grant enhancement bonus ceiling Rs. 3500/- to GDS employees.

All our Branch/Divisional Secretaries are requested to meet your local M.Ps between 7th January,2013 to 16th January, 2013 at your convenient and requesting them to send letters to the Finance Minister and communication Minister to recommend for bonus enhancement to GDS employees. Submit the note on Bonus demand to your M.Ps. We are sending the note along this circular. After obtaining the letter from M.Ps, it may be sent to our CHQ to publish in Rural Postal Employees.

Finance Minister address
Communication Minister address
Sri P. Chidambaram jee,
Hon’ble Finance Minister,   
Government of India, North Block,   
New Delhi – 110001.                                                                                                           
Shri Kapil Sibal,
 Hon’ble Minister for Communication & IT,
6 CGO Complex, Lodhi Raod
New Delhi – 110003.

Regarding Medical scheme department started software work for preparing health cards. After completion of this work, Medical Scheme will be implemented. Date Collection i.e. particulars of GDS and his family members will be done at divisional level.

Due to continuous efforts of our CHQ, the department of posts is seeking information from all divisional heads to review the Nataraja Murthy committee recommendation regarding one point for Rs. 20000/- cash handling. All our divisional/branch secretaries are requested to ask the divisional heads for sending in formation what directorate required as early as possible.

Two days strike in February 2012
All Central Trade Unions, Independent Federations and All India Unions have taken decision to go on two days strike i.e. 20 and 21st February 2012 against anti workers policies of the central Government. This is the first strike conducting two days against the policies of the central Government after independence. We appeal all our members to participate and conduct two days strike effectively. Charter of demands and strike notice will be sent soon.  
CHQ Quota
All the Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to send quota/arrear quota to CHQ as early as possible. We have not received quotas from the most of the circles for last one year. Circle Secretaries are requested to motivate Divisional/Branch Secretaries to clear quota to CHQ. Treat this an urgent. Otherwise it is difficult to maintain CHQ for day to day activities and struggles.

Central Working Committee (CWC)
We would like to conduct second central working committee in the month of March/April in Andhra Pradesh. Details will be published in the next circular


          New Year greetings                                                                    
 Yours fraternally,                                                                                      
(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
 General Secretary 

Note on Bonus to submit your local Hon’ble Member of Parliament
Grass injustice and discrimination has been done to Gramin Dak Sevaks of postal department by denying Bonus Ceiling of Rs. 3500/- at par with Departmental Staff. Grant bonus Ceiling Rs. 3500/- to GDS without any discrimination as this section is neglected, discriminated and ill treated throughout right from British regime to till date. It is not the Agency system in existence but the Sevaks are really sevaks for the department of posts and the rural India. Unscientific assessment of workload, compensation of Rs.500/- for the work of 3-5 hours daily, incentive for insurance (not commission like LIC), detaining GDS at the office to assist departmental staff etc., are a few examples how this section of the society is exploited in the system. So, we feel grave injustice would be caused if the benefit already given to GDS like Bonus ceiling is snatched. The 2.7 lakh GDS employees are urging in one voice to end this blatant injustice without any further delay. If there was not justification, the Bonus file would not have been resubmitted by the communication ministry time and again. It is high time we believe to settle the issue in favour of the GDS who are the key nerve of the postal net work.
Kindly look into the matter in the best interest of this toiling GDS and cause to grant Bonus ceiling of Rs.3500/- at the earliest for which we are ever grateful.

We once again respectfully crave your indulgence for judicious settlement of the issues.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Com reds,
We the president and and sey.on behalf of AIPEDEU Balasore branch presented flower bouquet and diary to the administrative staffs and conveyed our well wishes on the NEW YEAR2013.The Supdt shared his  valuable time with his lofty feelings and assured to cooperate the GDS officials and expressed that service conditions of GDS has improved unlike early days and the GDS can never be neglected .He assured to discuss vividly about the problem of GDS on forth coming monthly meeting by giving agenda formally.He again inspired us to serve properly to our people in the union as responsible heads.
We acknowledge his heartily greetings with a great pleasure.
I appeal all the GDS colleagues of our division to promise in the NEW YEAR2013 to get back to the existing AIPEDEU union to live happily undivided as before.
Thanking all of you.


Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary and Com. B.V. Rao, Asst. General Secretary met Hon’ble Secretary, Department of Posts Smt. Manjula Prasher, on 01.01.2013 at Secretary’s Chamber. The leaders were informed that a committee of three officers of Directorate headed by Sri Alok Saxena, DDG(Estt.) was constituted to discuses and decide the issues raised by finance ministry. Hon’ble secretary assured our leaders that the report of the committee will be submitted to the Finance Ministry within one month. She also assured that she will try her level best to grant Rs. 3500/- bonus to GDS officials as early as possible. Our leaders expressed heartful thanks and New Year Greetings on behalf of GDS fraternity to the Secretary Department of Posts.