Thursday, 31 October 2013

                  A STEP AHEAD FOR THE GDS NO DOUBT!

    As a result of our beloved leader SS Mahadevaiah's appeal to the NJCM top leaders vide letter dated -23-10- 2013  , when the leaders of various organizations of the NJCM staff side met on 26 October, 2013 and formulated a consensus proposal regarding the terms of reference of the 7th CPC , they put forth our grievance also. In the case of date of effect, even though the stand taken by confederation is 1.1.2011, taking into consideration the view points of other organizations a compromise formula of 1.1.2014 as date of effect is arrived at i.e. from the 1st January after the announcement of 7th CPC by the Government. Regarding DA merger, interim relief, pensionary benefits to those entered in service on or after 1.1.2004 etc  also an agreed formula has been worked out.

          Regarding the most important demand affecting 50% of the employees of the Postal Department i.e, inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks under the purview of the 7th CPC, unlike in the past, this time there is total unanimity among the staffside. In the staffside proposal regarding terms of reference to be submitted to the Govt., it will be clearly mentioned that the three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department should be brought under the purview of the 7th Pay Commission.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Bonus Donation to CHQ and Circles.
We are informing you that the Financial position of the CHQ is very weak during the last financial year. Most of the Divisions are not sending due Quota to CHQ. We have to play key role and launch struggles for the cause of GDS main demands (i) Inclusion of GDS employees in 7th Central Pay Commission. (ii) Regularisation of GDS employees. CHQ is going to conduct March to Parliament on 12-12-2013 and GDS National Convention on 13-12-2013. Future course of action will be decided there after due consultation of rank and file. CHQ appeals all our Branch/Divisional/Circles Secretaries to mobilize large number to attend the CHQ programmes. Suggest our comrades to make to and fro reservations as early as possible. The climate in Delhi in month of December is very cold. Come with necessary and proper arrangements to face cool climate


     We are sorry to say that Secretary General of NFPE, Shri M. Krishanan in his circular, dated 28.9.2013 issued in the name of Confederation of Central Govt. employees has observed that inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks in Pay Commission would be resisted by Govt. Why Krishnan is saying so. Is he the spokesperson of Govt.? Why Krishanan is planting ideas in the mind of the Govt. regarding inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks in Pay Commission. This is sabotaging our demand and is highly condemnable stand of this leader and I call upon all branches to expose this leadership.  

Make successes Dharna in Divisional Head Quarters on 12-11-2013
Conduct Countrywide Dharna in Divisional Head Quarters on 12-11-2013 in support of Parliament Rally and GDS All India Convention. Send memorandum to the Prime Minister, The Finance Minister, The Communication Minister and The Secretary Posts, in your letter head. The copy of memorandum is enclosed with this circular.
1.     Regularise GDS employees.
2.     Inclusion of GDS employees in 7th Central Pay Commission.
3.     Provide cent percent compassionate appointments to the wards of deceased GDS employees.
4.     25% Postmen, MTS vacancies are filled up by the senior GDS officials on the basis of seniority cum fitness.
5.     Stop 25% postmen, MTS vacancies offer to outsiders. Those vacancies also should be filled up by GDS.
6.     Withdraw the tightened norms for cash handling, stamp sale, and other norms for assessing the workload of BPMs.


                       (ODISHA CIRCLE BRANCH,R. P. LINE  POST OFFICE  BALASORE-756001)
SECRETARY-SRI DEBASIS DEY.                                                             
GDS /O.Circle,10-13                                                                                                   DATED -29 -10-13
The General Secretary,
AIPEDEU ,1st Floor Padmanagar P.O.Building,
Subject – To Appeal The Departmental Side to extend financial help to the flood effected, at least  for 13 districts of Odisha Gramin Dak Sevaks  to repair their dilapidated house by the phi line/Flood  for their  re establishment of the situation.
The devastating Phi line/flood in 13 districts of Odisha has already broken the minimum financial back bone of our GDS in particular as the GDS are paid the low  salary i.e. TRCA just for managing the hand to mouth requirement .In the name of holding Govt. Job ,they are neglected in the State Govt. Relief distribution .So they are deprived of any short of help though most of the GDS live in small thatched  kaccha house .
Therefore it is my earnest request you to put forth the Grievance to the DG Post and in the Ministerial level to sanction financial assistance of some short for the GDS in humanitarian point of view ,we shall be ever thankful to you.
With greetings
                                                                                                                                                         Debasis Dey
                                                                                                                                                      Circle Secretary ,

                                                                                                                                                     Odish Circle Branch 

  A letter to CPMG Odisha               


                       (ODISHA CIRCLE BRANCH,R. P. LINE  POST OFFICE  BALASORE-756001)
SECRETARY-SRI DEBASIS DEY.  Mob- 9238430993                                                           
GDS /O.Circle,10-13                                                                                                   DATED -29 -10-13
The Chief Post Master General,
Odisha Circle,
 Subject –  Appeal to The Departmental Side to extend financial help to the flood effected, at least  for 13 districts of Odisha Gramin Dak Sevaks  to repair their dilapidated house by the phi line/Flood  for their  re habilitation.
The devastating Phi line/flood in 13 districts of Odisha has already broken the minimum financial back bone of our GDS in particular as the GDS are paid the low  salary i.e. TRCA just for managing the hand to mouth requirement .In the name of holding Govt. Job ,they are neglected in the State Govt. Relief distribution .So they are deprived of any short of help though most of the GDS live in small thatched  kaccha house .
Therefore it is my earnest request you to manage some short of Financial help  by your endeavor from  the DG Post / The Ministerial level/Central relief fund to sanction financial assistance of some short for the GDS in humanitarian point of view ,we shall be ever thankful to you.
With kind regards.
                                                                                                                                                    Yours faithfully ,
                                                                                                                                                                         Sd /-
                                                                                                                                                      (   Debasis Dey)
                                                                                                                                                      Circle Secretary ,

                                                                                                                                                     Odish Circle Branch 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

        Jago, Utho, Nijara Haque pain Larha .Pachhaku taani dharuthiba alasua lokanku paradhinata manjur hoi thae ,matra aame alasua hoi nijaku sahajare annya paakhare bandha pakai kichhi daana kimba dayaa re 
paai ba ku chahun naa .Dekhantu jane saphi karmacharee ra darama tulanare aapana kete dayeetwa nei kana paauchanti ?Aapananka service rule kamjor boli aapana mananka saha kama karu thiba anya departmental chhota ru chhota karmacharee madhya kemimiti chakhu re dekhanti ?Too, taa ,ra smbodhana kari IPO mane samaya samayare katha kahanti kebala gotiey kaarana pain taaha hela aapananka service conduct rule kamjor boli .Tahaku thik karibaku hele aamaku awaaz uthaibaku heba .Aawaz uthaibaku hele aamara Maanyata prapta AIPEDEU re rahibaaku heba aau nicha manashikata dhaari GDS kimba Heena Chakrantakari ,ahankaree tatwa mananka tharu durei rahibaku padiba .
Jeun Divisional Secretary maane Secretary hebaara artha Union chandaa uthaai ,CHQ / Circle Quota alagaa nakari nijara dayeetwa sampadana karu nahanti nija ichha mutabaka nijara rojgaar bhaabi U/S ku kharcha karuchhanti ,semane Union ku barbad kari Paradhinata ku swikar karibara loka ,tenu semananku aapana maane prashna pacharantu kahinki semane emiti karuchhanti ?
Nija Union Ghara bhitare jadi swaarth ebam bisrunkhala heba ,tebe aame Prashasana tharu kemiti aam kaama hasala kariba ?
Tenu Jeun bhaai mane Mis Guide heuchhanti semananku anurodh semane nijara jeed chhadi aame samastey GDS boli aatmiyata srusti kari ek Union re rahibar Gourab anubhaba karantu .
Jay Hind .

  CHQ (Com. Mahadevaiah)has requested all the Circle Secretaries to arrange Divisional level Working Committee Meeting or General Body Meetings in direct supervision of concerned Circle Secretaries of AIPEDEU and available Circle Office Bearers from 14th October to 6th November to collect Bonus donation to CHQ/CIRCLE personally and to motivate the GDS Comrades to attend respective Divisional level Dharna on 12th Nov.,and the CHQ programme on December 12th/13th ,the March to Parliament to demonstrate our Unity and Pledge.
Send Bonus Donation in shape of DD to the CHQ A/C No-303316937. 
Main Demands-
1. Departmental status to GDS Employees.
2. Inclusion the GDS in 7th Pay Commission.  and more.

Monday, 21 October 2013


CHQ Letter to Hon’ble MOC, Sri Kapil Sibal Jee,

Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                       D.N. Giri
General Secretary           S.S. Mahadevaiah
GDS/CHQ/10/1/2013                                                         Dated: 15.10.2013

Sri Kapil Sibal jee,
Hon'ble Minister of Communications & I.T.
Government of India,
Electronic Niketan,  CGO Complex,
New Delhi-110003

Subject:- Inclusion of the issues and problems of Gramin Dak Sevaks of theDepartment of Posts.

Respected Sir,

          We would invite your kind reference to our letter of even no. Dated. 03.10.2013 on the subject. We have requested you to utilise your good offices for inclusion of the issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Department of Posts in the purview and terms of reference of the 7th CPC which has been announced by the Government to be constituted soon. Further to that we would venture to submit further justification for inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks in the consideration ambit of the 7th CPC. 

2.   The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India have ruled in P.K. Rajama’s case {(1977) AIR Vol. 64SC1967}. Which is also referred to as Gokul Nanda’s Case that the Extra Departmental agents (as the GDS employees were then called) is not a casual worker but holds a post under the administrative control of the State. The Hon’ble Apex Court had held that “though such post is outside the regular civil services, there is no doubt it is post under the state. The  tests of a civil post laid down by this court in Kanak Chandra Dutta’s case (Supra) is clearly satisfied in the case of the extra departmental agents. Thus the highest court of the land has held the ED Agents (now GDS employees) as holders of Civil Post”.

3.     The 3rd Central Pay Commission has defined the “Central government employees”. It considered “all persons in the civil services of the Central Government or holding Civil Posts under that Government and paid out of consolidated fund of India to be Central Government employees”. The case of Gramin Dak Sevaks clearly fits this definition. The Gramin Dak Sevaks are holders of Civil Post under the Central government, as held by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and are paid from consolidated fund of India. There is thus no doubt that the Gramin Dak Sevaks are central government employees and are legally fit to be included in the purview of the 7th Central Pay Commission.

4.     The 4th Central Pay Commission have categorically observed and held in Para 1.18 of their report thus:

The matter is however beyond controversy after the decision of the supreme court in Gokalnanda’s case where it has been declared that the extra departmental agent is not a causal worker but holds a post under the administrative control of the State” and that there is no doubt that it is a post under the “State”. In view of this pronouncement we are unable to accept the contention that the extra departmental employees were out side the purview of the terms of our commission.

          Thus the 4th Central Pay Commission were not inclined to exclude the ED agents from the terms of their purview and have termed the ED Agents as Central government employees.

5.     The Central Administrative Tribunal Ernakulam Bench has rejected the arguement that by the Judgement dated 22.4.1977 of the Supreme Court ED agents have been declared holders of Civil Post only for the purpose of protection and safeguards in article 311(2). The Bench in O.A No. 584/95 decided on 23.1.1996 observed:

We find no warrant for reading the restriction into the declaration of law in the Rajamma’s case and limiting it to article 311 the declaration is that extra departmental agents are holders of Civil Post.

        Justice Talwar Committee has entirely agreed with this observation.

6.     The sum total is that by the observation and declaration of experts and Judiciary, the Gramin Dak Sevaks fulfil the requirement of being included in the purview and terms of the Central Pay Commission.

7.     On the Contrary, what is the predicament of the departmental officers, retired or serving, which manifiests  itself in the bias as has been shown by Nataraja Murti Committee, has been summed up by the Savoor Committee in Para 1.5 thus:

This is somewhat disturbing, especially, when on the one hand the employees representatives are asking for higher wages and better conditions of service and This is somewhat disturbing, especially, when on the one hand the employees’ representatives are asking for higher wages and better conditions of service and on the other the government is seeking ways and means to curb the ever mounting losses in running the Postal services.

        The Savoor Committee itself suggests the answer, in para 1.6 thus:

From the peoples point of view of running the Postal Service which is an essential public utility, profits need not be the Chief motive for the Government. In India with such vast Postal network operating the services at surplus may not be possible.

8.     From all that has been described above, it clearly transpires that the GDS employees fit the bill for being included in purview and terns of Seventh CPC and their case should be referred to the 7th CPC. This will on one hand impart Justice to both the GDS employees and the Department by thorough study and analysis the concerned issues and on the other save, the department from the expenditure of appointing a separate Committee.

We, therefore, request you kindly to utilise your good offices and impress on the Hon’ble Finance Minister so that the issues relating to the GDS employees are included in the preview and terms of the 7th CPC to be constituted soon.

        With kind regards,
 Yours faithfully,

 (S.S. Mahadevaiah)
 General Secretary

Saturday, 12 October 2013


Thursday, 10 October 2013

          APPEAL AND ALERT FOR OUR AIPEDEU MEMBERS( Read it in Hindi)   

                  Odisha Parimandal ki Sabhi AIPEDEU ke sadasyon , tatha sathiyan, jo  hamare karyakartaon ko galalat samajh kar hamse duri banaye rakhe hein ,un sabko  Odisha ki Circle Branch AIPEDEU ki taraf se Saradiya MAA DURGA Puja ke liye Dher saari SUBH  KAMNAAEN aur hamare shathiyan jo abhi abhi lag bhag Rs9000/-tak (DA arear ke sath) ki Puja ke liye  bhent prapt kiye hein uske liye bhi BADHAYEE
                  Comreds Jeevan ka har kshan ek na ek sandesha hame deta aya hey.Par us kshan mein hamara apna shoch aur bichar ke anusar agar ham nirnay na le pate to ushko hi Paradhinta kahte hein. Jab wo din tha hame hath malte malte apneko dushron ke pash ja kar apna bichar prakat karte hue Prashasan ke paas le jakar upasthapan karne ko kahte the.Aur bahar operation theater ke bahar jeise beta hoga ki beti hogi us ka intejar mein bechein ho jate the.
          "Bhagwan ke ghar der hey ,lekin andher nahin" to aakhir Jeet to hui naa? Kya aap log is se sabak nahin shikh rahe ho ?ki hamare dam pe kuchh haashil karne mein kitna Shukun milta hey hamko? Bataiye kitne kasht jhelne pade hamko us 7 din ka Hrtal (Strike) period mein .Lekin aaj hame ek khaas sandesha bilkul aa raha hey ki Saathiyon S S Mahadevaiah Jeise Balenced ,Educated ,Imaandar Byaktitwa ke saath kaam karke naa koi haar man sakta hey na koi haar manega .Ish ke liye aap logon ko wibnti hey ki aap log Heen Wiswasi mat ban kar kadam se kadam mila kar GDS ki Unnati ke path mein hi chalen .
Aap logon ko yah jarur pata hey ki ye kitna mehenga yug chal raha hey. Har kadam me paise ki shakht jarurat ko koun mana karsakega .Iske liye ap logon ke liye uthaye jarahe aabaz ko upasthapan hetu ab aane wale December 2013 ko Capital Delhi mein bahat bada karyakram ka ayojan kiye jane wale hein.Isliye to Fund ki aabsyakta hey naa ?Pichhle dinon mein AIPEDEU mein Dushre logon ka hastakshep ke karan hamare AIPEDEU Sadasya log bahek gaye the aur Quota /Sadasya chanda aadi na deneke karan CHQ /CIRCLE Fund bilkul weak ho chuka hei .Isko dhyan mein rakhte hue aap log khule dil se apna apna sadasyata chanda aur Bonus hetu at least 100/- har divisional Secy. ko dein , taaki @25 to Circle and 25 to CHQ de kar division me 50/- kharch ho sake .Aap ko 7th pay comision mein include karne ke liye Union karya kartaon ko bahat sare kharch uthane padenge ,to aap ki takat aapke Union ka Panthee (fund) nahin he kya ?
       Baat rahi dusre Un Recognised union ka fund mangne ki sawal .Comreds hamare jo Bonus Ceiling badha hua mila ushke liye aap log date-27th September ka letter no 08-04/2012-SR  from MOC/IT Dak Bhavan ,Sansad Marg New Delhi ko dekh lijiye .
         Usmein clearly likha gaya ki Mahadevaiahjee ki Charter of demand ke reference ke dated-05/07/2012 par Bonus Ceiling 3500/- kiya gaya hey. To ham dusre logon ko chanda kyon deynge yahi hamara sawal hey .Bina Recognisation mein jis Sngthan ko adhikar nahin apni sangathan ke jariye baat ko prashasan ke pas uthaneka unko chanda deyne se hamare ek matra Recognised  AIPEDEU Service Union Weak nahin hojaega kya ? Neeche mein ne ek National level ke liye Dak karmchaaree geet Compose kiya hey .


                                                     DAAK HUMARA PAHCHAAN HEY,
                                                     DAAK SEVA KA RAKHAK HEIN     (1)

                                                     SANCHAR KAA HUM SAADHAN HEIN
                                                     BHATTA SEVA HUM DEYTE HEIN    (2)
                                                     JAN JAN KA BEEMA KARATE HEIN 
                                                      DUNIYAA SE HUM JURDTE  HEIN  (3)
                                                      HUMARE NIV PE KHARDI HEY
                                                      BHARAT VIKASH KA SEINIK HEIN......HUM
                                                      BHARAT VIKASH KA SEINIK HEIN .(4) 

                                                                 Composed by -Debasis Dey
                                                                  Circle secretary odisha 
Dedicated to My beloved Com red S.S. Mahadevaiahjee .
May it be sung on any occasion of hoisting the union AIPEDEU Flag.     


Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

No.GDS/CHQ/1/5/2013                                    Dated 04-10-2013


 Divisional Branch Secretaries of All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union. All Odish Divisional Office Bearers

Dear Comrades, 


          Today Department of Posts issued Adhoc Bonus order to GDS employees sceapping discrimination between Departmental employees and GDS employees. Rs. 3500/- Bonus to GDS for 60 days is going to paid within the week. We have already explained the financial position of CHQ and need to improve the financial position to meet the expenditure of the future programmes, in last circular.

          CHQ is requesting all the Circle Secretaries to arrange divisional working committee meetings or General body meetings in direct supervision of Circle Secretaries and available Circle office bearers from 14th October 2013 to November 6th 2013 to collect Bonus donation to CHQ and Circles personally and to motivate the GDS comrades to CHQ programmes in the month of December 2013.

Meeting with Sri Kapil Sibal, Union Mininster for Communications & IT on 03-10-2013 at 11:00 A.M. in the residence of Hon’ble Minister, 19 Theen Murthy Marg, South Delhi.

A delegation from AIPEDEU consisting of Com. D.N. Giri, President(CHQ), Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, Com.B.V. Rao, Asst. General Secretary and Circle Secretary, A.P. Circle, Com. Data Ram, Asst. General Secretary and Circle Secretary, H.P. Circle, Com. Rajendra Prasad Diwaker, Treasurer(CHQ), Com. Mahendra Pratap Singh, Vice President(CHQ) and Circle Secretary, M.P. Circle, Com. Lakhwinder Pal Singh, Vice President(CHQ) and Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle, Com. C.B. Tiwari, CHQ office bearer and Cicle Secretary, U.P. Circle, Com. Chandra Bhan Singh Mehara, CHQ office bearer, Com. Kailash Kapari, Circle Secretary, Uttarakhand Circle, Com. Mali Ram Swamy, Circle Secretary, Rajasthan Circle, Com. Rajesh Gurudwan, Circle Secretary, Chhattisgarh Circle, Com. Ramsingh, Circle President, M.P. Circle, Com. Vijay Sharma, Circle Secretary, Haryana Circle, Com. Om Prakash Mishara, Divisional Secretary, Sultanpur Dn. Uttar Pradesh met Hon’ble Union Minister for Communication & IT, Shri Kapil Sibal at 11:00 A.M. in the residence of Minister 19 Theen Murthy Marg, South Delhi and submitted detailed memorandum regarding inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks in the 7th Central Pay Commission. The delegation expressed heartfelt thanks to the Minister for his kind intervention to settle Bonus Ceiling issue.


A delegation headed by the com. Mahadevaiah met (smt.) P. Gopinathan in the chamber of secretary postal board.

The Hon’ble Minister assured the delegation to look in to the matter and do needful positively.


With  Pooja greetings ,                                                                                                                                                                                         
 Yours fraternally,
    Debasis Dey
  Circle Secretary Odisha                                                      

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Meeting with Sri Kapil Sibal, Union Mininster for Communications & IT on 03-10-2013

Meeting with Sri Kapil Sibal, Union Mininster for
Communications & IT on 03-10-2013 at 11:00 A.M. in the residence of Hon’ble Minister,
19 Theen Murthy Marg, South Delhi.

A delegation from AIPEDEU consisting of Com. D.N. Giri, President(CHQ), Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, Com.B.V. Rao, Asst. General Secretary and Circle Secretary, A.P. Circle, Com. Data Ram, Asst. General Secretary and Circle Secretary, H.P. Circle, Com. Mahendra Pratap Singh, Vice President(CHQ) and Circle Secretary, M.P. Circle, Com. Lakhwinder Pal Singh, Vice President(CHQ)Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle Com. Rajendra Prasad Diwaker, Treasurer(CHQ),   Com. C.B. Tiwari, CHQ office bearer and Cicle Secretary, U.P. Circle, Com. Chandra Bhan Singh Mehara, CHQ office bearer, Com. Kailash Kapari, Circle Secretary, Uttarakhand Circle, Com. Mali Ram Swamy, Circle Secretary, Rajasthan Circle, Com. Rajesh Gurudwan, Circle Secretary, Chhattisgarh Circle, Com. Ramsingh, Circle President, M.P. Circle, Com. Vijay Sharma, Circle Secretary, Haryana Circle, Com. Om Prakash Mishara, Divisional Secretary, Sultanpur Dn. Uttar Pradesh met Hon’ble Union Minister for Communication & IT, Shri Kapil Sibal at 11:00 A.M. in the residence of Minister 19 Theen Murthy Marg, South Delhi and submitted detailed memorandum regarding inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks in the 7th Central Pay Commission. The delegation expressed heartfelt thanks to the Minister for his kind intervention to settle Bonus Ceiling issue.

The Hon’ble Minister assured the delegation to look in to the matter and do needful positively.


A delegation headed by the com. Mahadevaiah met Ms. P. Gopinathan in the chamber of Secretary Postal Board.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Is not it a long awaited achievement of Our AIPEDEU's Struggle ?????????