To ,
The prime Minister of India
Most Respectfully We, Gramin Dak Sevaks, working in the Department of posts are submitting memorandum for your kind perusal and favourable action.
Gramin Dak Sevaks (Perviously called Extra Departmental Agents) are rendering valuable services to the rural India working in the nook and corner of the country for last hundred and fifty years with low wages Rs. 5000 to 10000 per month. Gramin Dak Sevaks are unique in the Postal Department. They are denied to grant pension, Medical facilities and 8 hour pay though they are working more than 8 hours in practical.
Gramin Dak Sevaks are main source of Income to the Department of posts. Gramin Dak Sevaks procured 1,46,64,650 Rural Postal Life Insurance Active policies through Branch Post offices. Seventy Six thousand Crores of rupees are earned through this scheme by Gramin Dak Sevaks.
Government of India enacted Mahatma Gandhi National Rural employment Guarentee Act (MGNREGA) in September 2005. The scheme came into effect in all districts in the country from 1st April 2008. The scheme is operational through 96, 375 Branch Post offices. During the period from April 2013 to February 2014, 63 crores 90 lakhs MGNREGA accounts were opened and an amount of ten thousand four hundred crores was disbursed.
In order to ensure quality of service under MGNREGA, Gramin Dak Sevaks are working 8 to 10 hours per day. Various social security pension schemes are also operational through Branch Post offices in rural India. Branch Post offices in Andhra Pradesh Circle are doing Adhaar Enabled Payment of wages/benefits under MGNREGA and other social security schemes with the support of M/S A.P. online. 9000 Micro ATMs have been deployed by the circle for doing the DBT (Direct benefit transfer) payment to the wage workers. Gramin Dak Sevaks have to attend more than 8 hours per day to these additional work besides normal Branch Post office work. They have to pay only 0-50 paise as incentive per account by the Department of Posts.
We are requesting the Hon’ble Prime Minister keeping all the points in view, to take necessary steps to regularize Gramin Dak Sevaks and provide 8 hours work to serve the Rural People. We are ready to work 8 hours duty to implement various schemes under IT project going to be introduced by the Government of India for the welfare of rural people to lessen the poverty among the common man.
We are also praying the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s intervention to appoint judiciary committee to examine wage structure and service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks as the Government of India appointed 7th Central Pay Commission headed by retired Supreme Court Judge Sri Ashok Kumar Mathur.
The Gramin Dak Sevaks are having high hopes and expectations on the honourable Prime Minister who knows very well than any other leader in India the difficulties of down trodden to consider the justified demands of Gramin Dak Sevaks.
Yours faithfully
Signature of GDS
State: _________________