A gathering of the working Committee in the chairmanship of our All India President for ARPEU,in the Leadership of Com .Debasis Dey ,at Ashok Nagar Bhubaneswar for an analytical review of the GDS pay Committee and to make stand Union for GDS in Odisha frightening away SS Mahadevaiah 's leadership from Odisha ,due to his carelessness for the common GDS members and to pet only the undisciplined leaders in the Union at large.It is the anniversary of our decision to avoid Mahadevaiah for his non attendance the meeting at Puri avoiding about 500 members gathered at Bagla Dharmasala carelessly .
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Sunday, 22 January 2017
answers, on the issue of GDS Pay Committee Report (submitted in near past) ---
Q. Why did the Agreement with Union and Department of Post to
appoint a Judiciary Committee was not honored by the Department of Post
vehemently rather appointed the Department to the same Officer who had signed
on the agreement?
Ans. The Department could assess the strength of GDS’s week
Leadership (Mahadevaiah) and to impose the traditional method of special
category of exploiting GDS engagement Rule 2011 to continue to pay the GDs time
related and extract their effort target related, nourishing the ‘Inspector raaj’
on the GDSs
Q. Why did not the GDS Leader (Mahadevaiah) pay heed (not
filed a petition in Hon’ble CAT) of dishonor of the Agreement/promise of the
Department to give GDS a Judiciary Committee when the Officer’s Committee came
into force by the Dept.?
Ans. To keep on his cheap mentality to continue for further
10 years as GDS top Leader simply and to avoid the expense for judicial process.
Q. In spite of the expiry of session of 5yr. term for Member
Verification in check off system for GDs from 14th April 2016,how
Mahadevaiah is given importance by the Department to just represent as one and
only innocent GDs Leader to give signature for all his resolutions unanimously
Ans. Very pet Leader for the Department and agreed to all the
decisions, may be against the interest of GDSs.
Q. Why The One and Only recognized Leader of GDS Com. S.S.
Mahadevaiah threats the Department of Going for only Strikes, Dharnas, Gheraos,
for the publication of Report soon ,but fears for Judicial shelter like
Tribunal petition or a file in High Court complaining the unfavorable
recommendation of the Department at times ?
Ans. On Dharnas,Ghraos ,Strikes the participation of the
Common GDs Members may lead to “no work no pay”, and on those cases huge
collection of Union subscription is collected, losing no payment of the Great
Leader ,who avails foreign service drawing all the strike days wage from the
Union Fund only .
Q. We mark, the threat to Department to go for struggle
programs on every required issues/situations are served by the Federation
Leaders and Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah both simultaneously
, and claims Mahadevaiah alone that due to his struggle or proclamation of
struggle the Department/Govt. gives success, actually who deserves the credit
for the same ?
Ans. It seems if the GDS Union (our own) dose the same
pattern of work repeating as the Federal unions do, then why should the common
GDS spend extra time and money with energy superfluously to pet the artificial
vanity of the Leader as if our own .So
the crocodile tear of the Leader Com. Mahadevaiah is crystal clear and to be properly examined by
the common GDS to discard his leadership
in forth coming Membership verification .
To cont.................
Friday, 20 January 2017
= Categories of GDS:
Present Nomenclature
All Branch Post Masters
= Viability of GDS Post Offices:
New norms for calculation of GDS Pos are recommended.
Further Categorization of GDS POs based on proportion of Revenue / Expenditure
Category of GDS PO
Revenue Norm
Urban & Rural (Normal)
100% of its expenditure
Rural (special)
50% of its expenditure
Proportion of Revenue to expenditure
100% or more of prescribed form
75% to 99% of prescribed form
50% to 74.99% of prescribed form
Less than 50% of prescribed form
=Workload assessment:
In place of point system, the Committee recommends the new wage payment system. The new system linked to revenue generation and not to work load.
= Rural Business Development and Marketing:
The Committee Recommended many items for successful realization of rural business potentials.
= Committee recommends to improve the accessibility, visibility and infrastructure of GDS POs.
PO are with 10’ X 10’ dimensions in ground floor.
Building owned by Gram Panchayat
Building owned by Central Govt or State Govt. ie.,schools or offices BPM’s own house
Proper rented accommodation in a busy place of the village
Building owned by NGOs.
With all furniture and power supply.
= Legal status of GDS:
The Committee observed that the matter is sub judice.
The Department should take suitable steps to increase security of job, prevent exploitation and increase income of GDSs so that they feel secure and live happily with in the GDS system and with the existing legal status.
= Terms and conditions of engagement.
The Committee recommends changes in Rule-3A.
Introduce voluntary discharge scheme on willing to leave the post before 65 years
Discharge from the service on the last day of the month.
Relaxation on limited transfer facility.
= Recommendations on wage structure and fixation of wages.
Committee recommends raising of minimum duty from 3 hours to 4 hours of all GDSs
Comparison : BPM = Postman
Asst. BPM & Dak Sevak = MTS
Minimum wage fixed at :
Rs.10,000- for 4 hours & Rs.12,000- for five hours. (Level-I)
Rs.12,000- for 4 hours & Rs.14,500- for five hours (Level-2)
Annual increase @ 3% on 1st January or 1st July
Wage matrix & Wage Level Table & Arrears calculation Table are given in detail.
= Allowances:
Dearness Allowance – no change
% of DA with regular employees – no change
Increased rate of DA – no change
Recommended allowances :
Composite Allowance
Cash Conveyance Allowance
Combined Duty Allowance
Children Education Allowance
Revenue linked Allowance for eligible BPMs
Risk & hardship allowance
Allowances to be withdrawn:
Office Maintenance Allowance
Fixed Stationery Allowance
Boat Allowance
Cycle Maintenance Allowance
Uttarakhand Allowance
Split Duty Allowance.
Composite Allowance Includes:
Rent for housing GDS PO, Rent for Accommodation, washing-repairs-maintenance of premises, furniture, stationery charges, electricity usage charges for office, Mobile / Telephone usage charges, Boat Allowance/ CMA/ TA, Hospitality charges for drinking water, other incidental charges.
=Performance Related Incentive
Revenue linked allowance along with the present system of incentives with automatic payment at the end of each month.
= Ex-gratia Bonus:
Dept should re-examine the formula for payment of bonus and ex gratia bonus with reference to the share of revenue generated by the departmental as well as GDS POs.
= Methods of engagement
Method of selection : on line method engagement should be introduced.
Recruiting Authority : appended to the GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules, 2011
Qualification :SSC/SSLC from State Board/CBSE/ICSE with certificate course or diploma course in IT
Knowledge of local language.
Maintenance of Reservation roster at divisional level.
Stop the security in the form of FG bonds, introduce 5 year TD or NSC as security.
= Career Progression
There is need to increase the Direct Recuitment quota of GDS in Postman & Mail Guard because of large working strength of GDS and to provide them with better opportunities for getting into departmental posts.
Introduce a guaranteed special increase in wages after 12, 24 & 36 years of service with two annual increases.
Designation of GDSs should be changed after each financial upgradation.
=Leave & substitute arrangement:
Paid leave should be renamed as ordinary leave and enhanced from 20 to 30 days in a year.
Introduce Encashment of Ordinary leave.
Introduce ‘emergency leave’ for 5 days in a calendar year, but no carry forward.
No full time substitute will be engaged.
Women GDS – 26 weeks of maternity leave and paid from salary head.
Paternity leave for 7 days.
= Disciplinary Rules:
Department should add a new punishment of ‘compulsory discharge from the service’ in the list “major penalties’ and the content of Rule-9 of GDS (Conduct & Engagement)Rules 2011.
= Social Security Schemes:
Severance Amount : @ Rs.4,000 from 01-01-2016 for every completed year of service subject to maximum of Rs.1,50,000-.
Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS):
GDS contribution should be revised as minimum of 3% and maximum of 10% of the basic wage per month.
Department contribution should be fixed as 3% of the basic wage.
Bring the GDS under the purview of Gratuity Act with an upper limit of Rs.5,00,000-
Group Insurance Scheme : enhance the rate of monthly subscription by Rs.500 per month with insurance coverage of Rs.5,00,000-.
=Welfare Schemes:
GDS CWF subscription should be enhanced from Rs.20- to Rs.100- pm.
Department grant should be enhanced from Rs.100- to Rs.300- PA.
Point system should not be applied to the compassionate appointment of dependents of GDS.
Photo identity cards to all GDS with free of cost.
Thursday, 19 January 2017
My dear Comrades, 19 - 01 -2017
It is pertinent to react in this vast Democratic Country on the issue of Hon'ble Kamalesh Chandra's Report submitted for the future livelihood career( Service) of 2 lakh 65000 poor GDS.
On going through the Report, it brings desperation and a perception of ill fate of this GDS mass and huge no. of pillars for the infrastructure for the Rural ICT program . If the English words used in this Report would be understood by my GDS fraternity,immediately some of us would come out for legal shelter .It is because the Department of Post did not honor the agreement made with our Union for Judiciary Committee, we were on doubt of facing this bad day as it is today.Comrades ,it is not to blame each other among the Leaderships more fairly to analyse the dark side as recommendation even worse than the Hon'ble Nataraj murty Committe and let us unitedly rise our voice against the same .It is our bad luck this day that we are striving for our social security and proper service Rule to be released from the bad clutch of harassment by them .
On going through the Report it did not felt an impartial outcome.Which was actually awaited by any officer' Committee.Because an officer can not adjudge a fact on the parameter of jurisprudence .Rather always try to impose the Delegated legislature to heavily clutch even forgetting the common human sympathy .Which absurd we proposed to allow our out going GDS (appointed long before 2004) with a statutory pension for which a Tribunal order is there , would lead unsecured retired life ?
Without paying rent for BPOs suggests Govt.panchayat accommodation but do not recommend any house rent for the same .
The committee's Report seems as if a departmental resolution taken in a departmental attitude towards GDS mass in a Circle Bi-Monthly Union Meeting ,not more than that.Proposes to combine the duty of a BPM with even Under matriculate non BPM and vice versa is the mentality of ill treat to the GDS mass as a whole .Withdrawal of substitute keeping provision of time related duty according to the Report is to utilize the man force is a cruel mentality to exploit GDS ,because the GDS are not emancipated from the time related clutch of duty and imposing target related work load is a matter of ambiguity .and many more .......which to be raised before the Government to give us justice .So be united and raise voice against the illness of the Officer's Committee Report ,which is going to exploit by the as usual tricks of the Department for long course of your career .
If the major no.of work force in an organization of the Country feel suffocation and insecurity ,should not the great PM reconsider our case and let it rechecked by a judiciary Authority ?
Yours fraternally,
Debasis Dey.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Detail Copy will be published in this blog shortly.
GDS Pay Commission Report. Pay fixation details. Report contains 434 pages.
For 3 Hrs GDS work entry level pay was fixed as Rs.10000.
Ordinary Leave : 15 days in every Jan and Jul and accumulated upto 180 days.
Emergency Leave : 5 days in a year cannot carry over.
ML : 26 weeks
Paternity Leave : 7 days

Monday, 16 January 2017
GDS Commission latest developments
On 11/01/2017 Minster's office raised the objection to publish the report citing Election commission code of conduct.Our Department officers propose to meet Election commissioner on 16/01/2017 to get the clearance.We may get a reply on the same day or next day.
Have patience and consider the situation ,just avoiding the publicity of false strike notice and all.
Friday, 13 January 2017
The Department of Post has been classified GDS employees as less impotent then 'common Mazdoor' of the Country,without giving proper attention and care as the GDs deserve .Or else why in every case, the proper deserving legitimate right of the GDS had been ignored carelessly,though my GDS fraternity has been offering their candidature to this Department securing high percentage of mark and higher qualification on selection, similar to the other Departmental Posts .The work load and other responsibilities are imposed on the GDS more hardly than the Dept.workers claiming target related work load though paid time related .
As to our claim Gramin Dak Sevaks (Conduct and Engagement) Rules 2011 being unconstitutional, arbitrary, unbridled and uncanalized to the extent of these rules illegal denying our legitimate expectation as Regular Postal Civil Servant and illegally prohibit the payment of pension and gratuity which the applicants are entitled under the special enactment and the aforesaid Rules pertain to denial of pensions and payment of ex-gratia gratuity, deserves to be quashed.
But who listens our cry ?
The Union Leader knows only to impose agitation in every small issues,like---1. why the Dept. makes late to publish the report,2 .why the enhanced bonus amount is not paid early,3 .why the Dept is avoiding to honor the only recognized Union to convey the massage of action taken by the Dept.on small issues etc.and making fool to us, he thinks,but "yeh public hey ,sab janti hey,ye public hey "
Why dose not the leader takes initiative to develop the GDS status ,illegal victimization to the GDS officials by the fabricated charges starting from SPM to PMG ?Even a small clerical mistake of a GDS is treated so seriously that it takes the shape of job less award .Why ????
The tradition of "chela"(Dependence)of the departmental Union Leader is still in practice with our only Central Leader and his followers .The Leader is nothing but the student of that old school up to 2008,in practice to show as if the Union is on action with some smaller issues and lethargic to the reforming issues .It is because ,the Union subscription is the main point of such type of Leaders,which has been at least fulfilled .
So drive them out at this juncture of Membership verification and set up a unity pivot of strong spirit ,in which at all the Divisional level our Union workers may get the threshold of strong Union activity ,with proper Union education and discipline further.
As the Report for GDS is to be published after due permission from the Election Commissioner ,it is delayed,no problem wait for then and be ready to squash the artificial actor Leaders to say Good bye,in near future 1st .Then to fight for the negative recommendation for us by the Departmental Committee.
With a positive hope for future ,all the best my comrades.
Yours fraternally,
Debasis Dey.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
GDS pay committee report going to publish tomorrow
GDS pay committee report file cleared by the Minister today and going to publish tomorrow..I.E.11-01-2017.
Monday, 9 January 2017
Post Office Holidays
The Post offices will be closed on the following days | all over the country |
Holiday | Date | Day |
REPUBLIC DAY | 26-01-2017 | Thursday |
MAHAVIR JAYANTI | 09-04-2017 | Sunday |
GOOD FRIDAY | 14-04-2017 | Friday |
BUDDHA PURNIMA | 10-05-2017 | Wednesday |
IDU-UL-FITR | 26-06-2017 | Monday |
INDEPENDENCE DAY | 15-08-2017 | Tuesday |
IDU-UL-ZUHA (BAKRID) | 02-09-2017 | Saturday |
DUSSEHRA (VIJAYA DASHAMI) | 30-09-2017 | Saturday |
MUHARRAM | 01-10-2017 | Sunday |
MAHATMA GANDHI'S BIRTHDAY | 02-10-2017 | Monday |
DIWALI (DEEPAVALI) | 19-10-2017 | Thursday |
GURUNANAK'S BIRTHDAY | 04-11-2017 | Saturday |
PROPHET MOHAMMAD'S BIRTHDAY (ID-E-MILAD) | 02-12-2017 | Saturday |
CHRISTMAS | 25-12-2017 | Monday |
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