Thursday, 31 August 2017
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Jago GDSs Jago !
Discard the falsity of representatives of GDSs ! Many of the people makes a society with a common cause .But when many of the people follow a evil nature person ,forms a society of wrong .So don't be tempted and misguided by the fact that many people are doing in a society ,because of which I should do .Always a turning point comes carrying a reformation by may be a single person or a few .
As the events of the Nation today followed to a single person dismantling the many politicians is a burning example to prove the fact that many may be wrong and one reformer is enough to bring the truth to light,is followed by others .Democracy does not only mean in-dependence of many,but also dependence of many concentrating at the true leadership .Su( goodness)-Tantra( Rule) not Swa (self)-tantra(rule) .The GDS should realize the same to be concentrated with a goodness leadership ,who actually can bring a reformation of the GDSs society as a whole .The crocodile tear of a leader always brings silent devastation for the GDSs to be offended before other colleagues of the Department.A Leader should be so efficient to settle an issue through his own endeavor instead of making loss to the mass .But the most of the common GDSs are innocent and driven by the wrong local profiting leaderships of the central leader under which the common GDSs are victimized wrongly .
So I request my GDSs fraternity Jago and upheld the condition of the GDSs concentrating with a true leadership of real cause keeping in view the profit of common GDSs not keeping view the profit of a few sub leaders .
By D.Dey.
Just compare these two letters -one letter before strike and another letter after strike containing almost the same substance .Now can any body say what is the outcome of the strike and seven days financial loss of the common GDSs who have to take a stress of accomplishing the pending work of last seven days ? The episode ends with only the consolation to the leader.Which could have been better done by alone an efficient leader .Now the common GDSs should analyse what is the secret behind it ?
My earnest request to all the viewers of this article to thoroughly understand these below two letters in your local language and find the truth please.
Just compare these two letters -one letter before strike and another letter after strike containing almost the same substance .Now can any body say what is the outcome of the strike and seven days financial loss of the common GDSs who have to take a stress of accomplishing the pending work of last seven days ? The episode ends with only the consolation to the leader.Which could have been better done by alone an efficient leader .Now the common GDSs should analyse what is the secret behind it ?
My earnest request to all the viewers of this article to thoroughly understand these below two letters in your local language and find the truth please.
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Leave the Dramatist ,in the name of Union.
All members of this Association and track-in-viewers are requested to give wide publicity to the above educational scheme among the postal staff members and maximum applications should be sent to Regional/Circle Office for consideration etc.
Sl. No.
Details of education scheme
Amount to be paid in Rs.
Book Awards for Technical Education (for GDS only)
560/- p.a.
President-M.S. Panda,Genaral Secretary-D.Dey
My dear friends,
Warmest Greetings for the JANMASTAMI and 71st independence Day National Festival.
Without a competent leader in an Association/Union(GDS) having bargaining capacity with the Department & Government is use less .
All India Advanced Rural Postal Employees Union (GDS), have that Capacity unlike other two All India GDS unions .Some other Unions are driven by some Departmental Leaders,always have been under guided not to enable the GDS Leadership present as to their own accord and under-positioned always in the Department of Post in respect of Bonus,duty hour ,service condition/security and so on has been neglecting in the Department .
In order to just be emancipated from the above conditions ,we have to make up our mind to just change our conservative idea of previous communist method of union operation .So I request all my old GDS leaders to just change the old vision to present our old unity in a new manner We also never disagree that GDS are part and parcel of Department of Post .But we the GDSs should reciprocally be perceived the fact by the Departmental union leaders .We need federal leaders' co-operation not as associative members but as equivalent associative Union.No hatred should conceive among the associative Unions .Unity does not just mean to assemble in single Union .Because the federal democracy needs multi associations for operate transparently.The different opinions should not be converted to hatred . Imposing only strike on the common members can not serve the purpose . A traditional slogan " no substitute to dharmaghata(strike)"is vague today, as there is social media,Human right Commission,alternative dispute resolution systems etc. are in force today. Our convincing representation to the Government by effective Union Leader is actually lacking .
Therefore, I opine my fraternity to be practical not imagining the conservative method of indefinite strike is only way to resolve our problem .So no alternative to change/alter the static Leader should be our ultimatum .
Yours fraternally,
Debasis Dey.
Monday, 14 August 2017
Is not a GDS still waiting for Independence ?
If this is the golden words of Babu Tarapada ,then ----
First we should scrutinize with The parameter of golden words of Babu Tarapada whether our GDS Leaderships tolerate how many of these nonsense since 1999?
1.How many GDSs are in put off Duty since their leadership starts ?
2.How long the admin elongate GDS disciplinary inquiries ?
3.How many Divisions are deprived of drawing proper allowances ?
4.How many GDSs get their payslips per month to know their wage structure?
5.How many GDSs have been victimized by the Bureaucrats with fabricated charges by the Authorities in the Country ?
6.How many GDSs have been threatened every day by their concerned admin. authorities by over loading targets, though the GDSs are appointed with time related wage ?
7.How many GDSs spent their service period in mental agony by the illegal arrangement of duties by their controlling authorities ?
8.How many GDSs in this Country are getting their prescribed provision of leave regularly and easily by the authorities
9.How many Old Aged GDSs are overloaded with combined duties ?
10.How much money is collected by the Department in the name of WF and lays undistributed denying the applicant GDSs ?
11.How many GDSs have been denied clearance for doing job in other department in the plea of pastwork verification
12.How many GDs are misbehaved by the Departmental Colleagues even worse then the MPKBY/SAS agents? ?
13.How many GDSs are leading insecurity of service by deprived of getting adjudication for the dispute of wage structure and service condition?
14.How much effort the Top leader gives to achieve the good result of post indefinite strikes?
15.How many times the GDSs have been deceived by the Top leader obeying his proposal for indefinite strike and losing their no work no pay/ wage,yielding no result ?
16.How many cases have been filed by the Union for the grave issues as mentioned above ?
17.How much money has been contributed by the GDSs,to the General Secretary so far to resolve the problems mentioned above ?
18.How many GDss have been aware of the Democratic Union activity by the Union behalf rather harvested signed membership forms with illusory information to them ?
19.How many Divisional secretaries can produce written Union Agenda in monthly Meetings with Admin. And so on...........
Summing up all these tolerated non senses by the G.S. of Recognized GDS Union is controlling his Union with only issue of lolly pop of wage to cheat the common innocent GDSs of the Country and letting victimize the GDSs mass sounding hazy words of illusory Hindi and non-clear English (making Gumrah) and appealing his own effortless strike ,seeking full effort from the common GDS again and again,just to save his own position as Gen.Secy. (according to Golden Words of Babu Tarapada)
So I shall not participate on this 16th August strike,with this inefficient, unproductive leadership .So I request my GDSs fraternity to decide whether I am right or wrong .
Your truly,
Thursday, 10 August 2017
The Recommended Wage Structure of GDS i.eNew wages Matrix-With reliable information sourced from the Senior Officer of Finance Ministry that the following Proposals agreed by the Department and sent to Finance Ministry and also probably accepted by the FM by the end of August 2017.Fitment factor will be 2.57 like Department employees
Friday, 4 August 2017
With reliable information sourced from the Senior officer of Finance Ministry that the Proposals of the Pay Committee for GDSs agreed by the Department has sent to Finance Ministry and also probably accepted by the FM by the end of August 2017.
Dramatic leadership is well understood ,who could not achieve Judiciary committee,despite all efforts of the GDSs by their hard sacrifice of wage once for 04 days and again for 11 days for the same issue .Who is responsible for failure of getting Judiciary Committee ? Unexpected delay of getting Kamalesh chandra Committee Report,whether the leader or the common GDSs ?The GDSs will pay always and the Leader would enjoy ! Bah !Demomocratic only recognozed Union!
Is not the intention only to show the GDS to get sympathy for membership verification ?
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