Wednesday, 3 April 2013



                             NEVER ENDING, WHY?

Before going to just my view, I shall  light on some facts-1 .Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) are the example of the than British ruled Indian innocent citizens .Like the British rulers had no any mentality to uphold the Indian human race as they did not consider (Indians)  their own asset of human resource .Since long though the GDS is the base pillar of the department ,The Departmental will power have never been taken so rigidly the fact to let the GDS mass to uphold in the mentality that the GDS are EXTRA DEPARTMENTAL(as if the Indian was for the British).
2 .GDS has been considered neither Departmental nor Extra Departmental Agents. Because they are not allowed many facilities like,(i) to take part in Indian political activities,(ii)Forbidden to do jobs in other private organisations,(iii)they can not take any agency,(iv)their spouse can not become MPKPY/SAS Agent,
nor(v) they have any clear cut time length in a day of their service in practical.A GDS is instructed to enhance the business for the department ( like the honey bee collects honey for the human to enjoy) ,(vi)to use his cell phone to take the snap in necessary ,to open SB a/c of an investor going beyond his duty hour ,though the poor GDS may not have the mobile with camera.(vii)GDS are not allowed to work under proper Service Rule of India's constitution.
These are all in a separate  name of 'GDS engagement rule 'not the 'GDS  Employment rule'.See how brutally the Postal Department is conceived the rule in the name of 'Natarajmurty pay commission committee'
God knows whether nataraj murty were independent or was remote by the Departmental Management.Because the Department for fare deal of the GDS case could appoint the independent judicial concern but not the rtd, departmental DG ranked person like Nataraj Murty who had no grass root idea about a Gramin dak sevak other than the knowledge of administration to favor the Postal management to give profit, like the brutal East India Companies'Officers were doing for the English.
3 .On this day the Postal Department is planning to commence the 'Post Bank of India'.It is a high esteemed proposal .But just the project is taken for the pervaded catering of the Rural Post Offices,Where 266000nos
of poor GDS are MOANING and working faithfully to the Department with unjustified brutal facilities to them.
GDS is now MOANING in the rural area and raises his two hands like Draupadi did in Kurusava to get help
It is only the CRY of the GDS Please Help....Help..... Help.....and anticipate that on Posts Bank Of India project He is going to get the sigh of relief if the present Postal Management,and the Central Government
 could pay heed unlike they did  earlier.
Debasis Dey.
Divisional President,Balasore.
Circle Organizing secretary,Odisha, 

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