Sunday, 22 September 2013

 The Superintendent of
 Post Offices, Cuttack South Division,
Subject- The functioning of an unaffiliated Service Union in the Division regarding.
     It is to intimate you that the only Affiliated union AIPEDEU in Odisha Circle Branh came to inform that an unaffiliated/non permitted group in the plea of Service Union are enjoying the union facility in Cuttack South Division as to the news from reliable source .They are propagating their view as permitted and affiliated to the Ministry of Communication and is illegal.
     Our AIPEDEU Divisional Body in the said Division is now non functional ,because they are neither attending the Service union meetings nor sending the Circle and CHQ quota as per the Service Union constitutional rule from beginning of the 2012-2013 financial year .
      Therefore the Circle Working Committee took resolution to form a new set of office bearers in the said divisional branch.
        We on behalf of AIPEDEU Odisha Circle Branch hereby request to stop payment of Monthly Union Subscription till our further intimation to release it.
             With best regards .
                                                                                                                        Debasis Dey
                                                                                                               Circle Secretary ,AIPEDEU
                                                                                                               Odisha Circle Branch
Copy to –

 Chief PMG ,Odisha ,Bhibaneswar -751001,for information .

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