Sunday, 10 November 2013

DG No. 19-31/2012-WL/Sport dated 14.10.2013
Subject: Allocation of funds to the circles Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sewaks for the year 2013-2014.

Approval of competent authority is hereby conveyed for release of funds amounting to Rs 2,57,85,600/- (Rs two crore fifty seven lakh eighty five thousand six hundred only) from the Postal Services Staff Welfare Fund to the respective Circle Welfare Fund for GDS for the year 2013-2014 as per detail given below;

1.    Andhra Pardesh                              -2845900
2.    Assam                                                -  852500
3.    Bihar                                                  -1484400
4.    Chhatishgarh                                               -  520500
5.    Delhi                                                  -    25000
6.    Gujrat                                                 -1445500
7.    Haryana                                             -  403800
8.    Himachal Pradesh                           -  622200
9.    Jammu & Kashmir                           -  265400
10. Jharkhand                                         -  566300
11. Karnataka                                          -1166200
12. Kerela                                                            -1412000
13. Madhya Pradesh                             -1334600
14. Maharashtra                                     -1991000
15. North East                                         -  737200
16. Orissa                                                 -1470900(fourteen lakh seventy thousand nine hundredonly)
17. Punjab                                               -  591200
18. Rajasthan                                          -1385500
19. Tamil Nadu                                       -2190300
20. Uttar pardesh                                    -2339000
21. Uttarakhand                                      -  623300
22. West Bangal                                     -1510900
Total                                               -25785600

2.         Any discrepancy noticed in allocation of funds may be reported to this office along with the requisite details, so as to enable this office to further review the position.

3.         The above allocation has been made subject to the condition that entire expenditure will be incurred by respective CPMGs within his/her financial powers subject to concurrence of CIFA in accordance to powers as laid down in Schedule II, HOC’s financial Powers which should be strictly adhered to.
4.         The funds allocated will be utilized in accordance with the instructions issued from time to time and accounts there of will be maintained in the prescribed format and as per procedure already defined & submitted to this office duly audited by P&T Audit.

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