ON 9th Dec, 2014 will be observed as "Wada Nibhavo Diwas" (Fulfill Assurances Day).
Any further programme will be decided by the "enlarged meeting Working Committee". Get ready for struggle for the regularisation of GDS employees.
Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President: M. Rajangam
General Secretary: S.S. Mahadevaiah
NO, GDS/CHQ/01/CWC/2014 Dated: 14-11-2014
Under the provisions of article 25 of the Constitution of AIGDSU read with article 21 ibid notice is hereby given that an emergent meeting of the Central Working Committee of the union will be held from 17th to 18th Dec, 2014 at Gurdwara. Rakab Ganj, Near Parliament House, New Delhi - 110001. The meeting will start at 2.00 P.M. sharp on 17.12.2014 and conclude business by the evening of 18.12.2014.
In order that a larger representation and broader exchange of views is ensured, it is further proposed that this meeting be termed as"enlarged meeting of CWC" and be attended by all Divisional Secretaries of this union in the country. It is clarified that while the CHQ will be making arrangements for food and stay of the attending members, the concerned Divisional unions will bear the T.A. expenses of the Divisional Secretaries.
It is proposed to hold a massive Dharna on Dak Bhavan on 19-12-2014 to ventilate the resentment and anger of the Gramin Dak Sevaks over the treatment being meted out. Any further programme will be decided by the "enlarged meeting Working Committee".
The following shall be the agenda for the enlarged meeting of the CWC.
1. Organizational review:
(i) Position of the organizational at all levels-comparative position with other unions of GDS - Efforts required to be made for furtherance of membership.
(ii) Remittance of quota to higher organizations i.e. CHQ and circle union Financial review.
2. 7th Pay Commission:
(i) In case reported, the Finance Ministry has not agreed for inclusion of the issues if the GDS in terms of reference of the 7th CPC an one man committee under the chairmanship of a retired judge of the Supreme Court or a High Court be appointed, Honour the strike agreement Signed between Department and Our Union on 21-02-2014 - necessary steps to be taken to meet the developments.
(ii) Grant IR & Merge 50% DA with TRCA (Pay).
3. Problems faced by the G.D.S employees consequent on unjustified and arbitrary actions of the administration in several issues;
(i) compassionate appointment of GDS, Cash handling allowance, Illegal redeployment of G.D.S employees. Promotion and related issues.
(ii) Grant RSBY Scheme to GDS.
4. Grant Trade Union Facilities to GDS Union.
5 Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary.
NO, GDS/CHQ/01/CWC/2014 Dated: 14-11-2014
Copy forwarded to;
1. Com. M. Rajangam, President AIGDSU, At Kumanan Thoul, B.O Kadmalai Kundu S.O. Theni Dn. Tamil Nadu.
2. All C.H.Q. Office-bearers and Special Invitees of CHQ.
3. All Circle Secretaries.
4. All Divisional Secretaries. They will please manage their traveling expenses from the Divisional Union while the CHQ will make fooding and lodging arrangements.
5. Secretary, Department of Posts.
6. Spare. Sd/-
(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary
Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President: M. Rajangam
General Secretary: S.S. Mahadevaiah
NO, GDS/CHQ/1/5/2014 Dated: 15-11-2014
All C.H.Q. Office bearers/All Circle Secretaries,
All Divisional Secretaries, AIGDSU.
Sub;- Holding of "enlarged meeting of the Central Working Committee".
Ref;- This union notice dated 14.011.2014.
Dear Comrade,
Kindly refer to this union notice dated 14.11.2014 regarding holding of "enlarged meeting of the Central Working Committee" from 17.12.2014 to 18.12.2014 at Gurdwara. Rakab Ganj, Near Parliament House, New Delhi - 110001 and On 19th December, 2014 Massive Dharna at Dak Bhavan, Massive Dharna will start at 9 A.M on 19-12-2014.
It is further informed that the venue is reserved from 17th to 19th Dec, 2014. It therefore, requested that the members attending the meeting reach on 17.12.2014 only and positively so that the meeting may start at 2.00 P.M as scheduled. The members should come prepared with necessary information, data and suggestions. We would call upon the members to realise the importance of the meeting in face of concerted attack of the bureaucracy on the GDS employees and offer free and frank suggestions.
It is further resolved that 9th Dec, 2014 will be observed as "Wada Nibhavo Diwas" (Fulfill Assurances Day).
We proposed to organise a "Massive Dharna" at Dak Bhawan on 19.12.2014. We call upon the all Circles to ensure maximum participation in the “Massive Dharna at Dak Bhawan” on 19.12.2014.
Clear Quota/Donation early
Dear Comrades, once again requested to all our efforts require funds. You are aware that the financial situation of the CHQ is disheartening. We note with heavy heart that despite our calls special donations have not been raised at the time of bonus payment. Still sorry is the situation that monthly quota of subscription is not being remitted regularly which retards the functioning of the CHQ very seriously. All our Branch/Divisional Secretaries, we are sure will give serious thought to this and also think over their own duties and responsibility along with their rights. We very hopefully call upon all of you to give a serious thought over it and extend their due share by way of:-Raising a special donation of Rs. 100/- (One Hundred only) only per member and send the same by means of bank draft (D.D) to the CHQ.
Remitting all due arrears of quota immediately by means of bank draft (D.D.)
They may indicate amount of quota and special donation separately. The Circle
Secretaries will please pay special attention to it.
We on our behalf re-assure you of our renewed all-out effort to spare no stone unturned for getting the Gramin Dak Sevaks comrades everything that is rightfully due to the GDS.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(S.S. Mahadevaiah)