Can the problem of GDS be
solved by just publishing photo shoots and gathering at places by MAHADEVAIAH,
making his CHQ blog just a photo album, without taking any productive/concrete analytical view for
the GDS?
Definitely a
big no! Because, who would make know the Govt. of India that for the rapid
growth of business of Postal Dept. and service in the Country and radical
change resulting expansion of Governmental functions in rural areas by the
Postal Dept. mainly the GDS contribute a major role and has been neglected by
the Department of Post since long.
It is the
duty of every GDS to root out the lethargic leadership continuing from 1999 to
achieve the proper service condition of the GDS mass in the Country. The leader
who does not keep any capacity to fight as to the need of the present demand
and to achieve a single thing for GDS till date .Whatever the GDS has achieved
by the minimum mercy of the Department only. It is because the Department shows
as if GDSs need not have to be departmentalized and all the responsibilities of
pay structure and service conditions of the GDSs could be set by the
Departmental bureaucrats (who have no knowledge about law interpretation)
without let GDS allow the judiciary interference . The ripe fruit (i.e. the agreement for GDS
committee) achieved by the struggle of common GDS members was lost due to post
strike lethargy of Mahadevaiah, ultimately we have been suffering the disease
of non implementation of Hon’ble Kamalesh Chandra’s Committee report today. So
the dam of patience of the GDSs is getting dim day by day.
In this
democratic system of governance in India, for 3 Lakhs of GDS, due to the
General Secretary like Mahadevaiah’s weak leadership and inactiveness ,the discretionary power of the Department of Post naturally turning
into arbitrary power and ultimately GDSs has
been suffering right from SO level to Directorate, without any hinder .The
Department of Post always has been trying the GDS to keep outside the
Department not allowing the Civil servant status due to weak representation to
Govt. by the immature leadership of GDSs. It is pertinent to quote here example
of failure achievement of Mahadevaiah the agreement for Judiciary Committee .In
post strike period the duty of the GS was to file a tribunal on non
implementation of agreement. But the issue was just left by the GS on his
business point of view .On contemplating the weakness of GDS leadership the
Department has been neglected to implement the report of Pay Committee and
before implementation the Department abruptly recruits about half lakh GDS posts
in old ruling is ambiguous.
On the whole
the root of all evils is our weak GDS leadership and should be well aware of
this fact seriously to strengthen our unity to avoid the GDS sufferings in the
Postal Dept.
Yours fraternally,

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